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Predict a Pie Teacher Training

Throughout the upcoming summer, Steamlabs will host several teacher training workshops focused on the Artificial Intelligence (AI) educational programs that we have been developing over the last year. Our programs tackle diverse aspects of AI technology from the technology inside the black box to the social disruption and ethical problems they create. Our goal is to help all members of society broaden their understanding of AI technology to know how AI is affecting their lives and, in turn, understand how they can use it as a tool to deploy fairness, accountability, trust, and ethics. Thus, we also want to reach out to teachers and educators who would not normally use AI education in their curriculum. The topics are chosen to be relevant to the lives of the participants by making them useful and interesting.

Here are our five AI Education Programs:


What makes a pie taste the best? What if you had all the ingredients in the world to come up with the perfect pie? In this workshop, you will wire up a neural network to do just that! You will then use your new knowledge to test a larger neural network that has used “machine learning” to analyze thousands of recipes to come up with new, creative combinations.


Build a forecast of how green your local electricity generation is throughout the day and week. Learn data science techniques for building Artificial Intelligence Machine Learning Models.


Have you ever wanted to bring your favourite movie character to life and have a conversation? Well, now you can with the help of AI! In this workshop, we are going to create a mashup of your favourite movie character into a personal chatbot that you can have a conversation with.


Did you know that we see at least 10 million different shades of colour all around us? We can also use an AI to interpret different shades of colours and create some really awesome animations! Let’s explore all the way we can use AI to make colourful animations


Our sense of vision is a key part of our daily lives that we use to interpret and understand the world around us. But did you know that you could train an AI to also interpret the world using vision and do some really awesome things such as autonomous cars? Let’s explore all the possibilities of vision recognition with AI in this workshop!